We’re finally here. A new core set to draft and a surprising amount of goodness are getting passed around FNM tables. With one FNM M14 draft under our belt, we have been seeing some very interesting cards that should make you at least take note.
Angelic Accord
Let’s start with Angelic Accord. This card just does nothing in most decks, but when you add in a single Bubbling Cauldron, all of a sudden you have a combo that will just win games. You can turn your entire team into angels and get 4 life each time. You can create an angel, attack with the angel, and then sacrifice the angel to the Cauldron to get 4 life and a 4/4 flying blocker.
When should you draft this card? I think Angelic Accord is a fairly late pick around 9th. The fact is that it needs other cards to do anything. But when it does have something to do, things can get nasty.
Another card that happens be excellent with Angelic Accord that might just get passed to you:
Angelic Accord with Trading Post reaches [card]Pack Rat[/card] strength. Gain 4 life get an angel every turn? How is it possible to lose that game?
You don’t.
Tenacious Dead
Tenacious Dead (or Tenacious D) is strong, and he’s probably a more obvious pick. He can chump block for days or combine with a number of cards for devastating effect. In case you haven’t noticed, he works pretty well with these cards:
Use the Bubbling Cauldron to have Tenacious D give you a “2B: Gain 4 life”.
Or you can use the Barrage to ping your opponent or machine gun their creatures.
Or use Gnawing Zombie if you can’t decide between gaining life and pinging your pinging your opponent.
Voracious Wurm
After 4 Limited events, I have been very consistent in getting value out of Voracious Wurm. He works very well with commons like [card]Brindle Boar[/card] and [card]Verdant Haven[/card]. I think [card]Voracious Wurm[/card] should be a solid pick in most drafts. A 2/2 for 2 is just fine. And it only gets better if you combine him with a [card]Verdant Haven[/card] for a mana ramp, 2 life, and a 4/4 on turn 4. Likewise with [card]Brindle Boar[/card], you can attack with the boar, then sacrifice him for 4 life, and then drop a 6/6 Wurm.
These cards also work well with any kind of Green White Life Gain theme you may draft. Gaining life is definitely a thing in this draft, so keep an eye out for Voracious Wurm. If you want to live the dream, also pick up a [card]Congregate[/card] because who doesn’t want a quasi [card]Serra Avatar[/card] for 6 mana?
Removal and Combat Tricks
A good honorable mention is the abundance of removal and tricks in this set. Here’s a quick rundown of every playable non rare card that you can use to kill creatures in the set:
[card]Banisher Priest[/card]
[card]Celestial Flare[/card]
[card]Master of Diversion[/card]
[card]Show of Valor[/card]
[card]Air Servant[/card]
[card]Frost Breath[/card]
[card]Sensory Deprivation[/card]
[card]Time Ebb[/card]
[card]Wall of Frost[/card]
[card]Doom Blade[/card]
[card]Liturgy of Blood[/card]
[card]Quag Sickness[/card]
[card]Wring Flesh[/card]
[card]Act of Treason[/card]
[card]Chandra’s Outrage[/card]
[card]Flames of the Firebrand[/card]
[card]Pitchburn Devils[/card]
[card]Seismic Stomp[/card]
[card]Thunder Strike[/card]
[card]Volcanic Geyser[/card]
[card]Briarpack Alpha[/card]
[card]Giant Growth[/card]
[card]Hunt the Weak[/card]
[card]Vial of Poison[/card]
At last week’s draft, I could have easily picked up 9 removal spells (if I wasn’t going after mana fixing cards for my three color deck featuring [card]Colossal Whale[/card]). White is my favorite color for this set almost solely because it has [card]Celestial Flare[/card] to get rid of the enchanted hex proof nuisances along with a strong set of options for combat tricks and solid spot removal.
Have fun drafting!
right on, thank you for the m14 draft strategy. one love