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check out this weeks episode of our weekly podcast
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Comix City Too
1574 Gallatin Pike N
Madison, TN 37115
(615) 868-3339
We're in the same shopping center with Home Depot next to Dollar General
As always, great Podcast. Wish I could of been there again to participate. Got a comment on the discussion about the First Lady/Husband not being in an elected position of power. She/He may not be elected but only someone with very little knowledge of how things work in Washington and how things get done in Washington would truly believe the First Lady/Husband has no strong influence in lots of issue brought to the President. Especially if it involves their little pet projects. Most people have heard the old saying “True Power is Behind the Throne” or if you will by one sleeping with the one in power. History has many examples of that type of power being used for good and bad. You can go back to Elanor Roosevelt to find her influence over all kinds of policy in the later stages of FDRs life. She even had some influenced with the Election of JFK. Make no mistake the First Lady/Husband wields power in Washington and it is just used behind the scenes since they are not elected by the people.
I am surprised it took until the end of the podcast for anyone to bring up the Walking Dead, great job as always Larry.
Please tell Heather Bridgett and I will try to come down this year so she will not be the only girl on the podcast, well at least for one of the them if possible.
Thanks again for a great discussion.
R.S. Steve and Bridge