check out this weeks episode of our weekly podcast geeks of the square table
Your Friendly Neighborhood Comic Store
check out this weeks episode of our weekly podcast geeks of the square table
Comix City Too
1574 Gallatin Pike N
Madison, TN 37115
(615) 868-3339
We're in the same shopping center with Home Depot next to Dollar General
glad to hear you talking about valiant comics!
on that subject, I’d say you didn’t ask the MOST dedicated fan. I requested it, I ordered it, and while Mark says it wasn’t worth time, effort, and shipping cost to get even ONE of those books… I saw it as him saying my business wasn’t worth it.
so from now on, you’ll see me there if I want games or cards, but my comics will be bought from a place that will get me what I order. it’s a matter of customer service. it’s valiant’s job to get me to want the books and go into the store… it’s the stores job to keep me coming back by providing me what I ask for, and I let him know I wanted it before it was even solicited in previews.
again, glad to hear you talking valiant. I hope you guys keep reading valiant, it’s obviously pretty big to me!
from everything I’ve been told from other retailers, if Legends of the geomancer is sold for 20 bucks, that would cover the cost of the 25 books they have to buy. at that point, any of those 25 sold is profit.
also, heard on air, that 3 people had already called wanting it… interest is there, but that’s 3 interested customers sent to another store.