Black friday deals THIS friday (11/29/13) ONLY. NO Layaway, NO holds, or NO special orders. Not valid with any other offers (i.e. clearance priced items or hold box items)
=POPS figures- buy 2 get 1 free
=BOARD GAMES- buy 1 get 1 half off
=(regularly priced) WARHAMMER models %15 off
=CITIDEL paints- buy 5 at reg price get 1 free (this excludes special FX paints& liquid green stuff)
=Theros holiday gift box – get FREE BONUS BOOSTER PK of M14 and foil promo card (while supplies last)
= M14 and Dragon’s Maze fat packs $29.99
=Japanese M14 booster packs reg $5- onsale for $3.50
= TPBs, Hard Covers and Manga- buy one get TWO half off
=20% off ALL Action Figures
=20% off ALL Statues
=BUSTS buy one at reg price get one FREE
= HeroClix SINGLE FIGURE BOOSTERS- Buy 4 get 1 Free
=FREE GIFT WRAP w/ Purchase!
TPB’s …. Of course, one at REG. price, but do I have to buy 2 at half off or can I just buy 1 at half off?
yes if you want you may buy one get one at half off with out buying a third TPB