Nashville Board Game League
This Sat- June 15th Star Wars X-Wing Tourney (free Entry And Prizes!)
Coming Up Sat- June 22nd Android Netrunner Night ($2 Entry w/ alternant art Crypsis top prize)
* trial run for regular Netrunner tourneys
MAGIC: The Gathering-
Every* Friday Night-
Type 2/Standard Constructed starts at 6:30 pm. It costs $5 to enter
*Every Last FNM of the month is now Modern Constructed!
DRAFT starts @ 7:00 . Drafts are $15 to Enter (This Includes the cost of 3 pks to draft).
MONDAY NIGHT DRAFTS (Return To Ravnica Block Drafts) EVERY Monday night starting @ 6:30! $15 to draft- swiss rounds, cut to top 4/8…
SUNDAYS are casual EDH (Commander) Day.
Its here….
Modern Masters- $10.00/ pack, $240 box
* $35/ draft * 7 p.m. * Swiss style tourney/cut to top 8 *
(You May NOT drop before deck construction. Tourney CAPPED at 40 <5 pods of 8> . Top 8 will receive 1 Pk MM, but otherwise prize support will NOT be Modern Masters!)
RPGs (Role Playing Games i.e. D&D, Pathfinder, etc…)
‘Wednesday Night Encounters’ – with a twist!
Jim DM’s 4th Edition D & D every Wed night- continuing the characters we started in WOTC’s ‘Wed Night Encounters’!- There’s always room for 1 more at the table!
‘Todd’s D&D 3.5 Edition Game”
Every other Sunday Afternoon about 2:00 p.m.
Alternating Sundays with ‘Steven’s D&D 3.5 E Game
Got a favorite RPG and having trouble getting ‘group’. We’ll be glad to help you get a group together. Talk with Mark Or James to see when we have tables open. I get requests all the time for games and/or DMs…. Maybe we can help!
6/05/2013 – Sidekick Smackdown
400 Point Melee
Build a 400-point team for a battle royale grand melee event. No figures over 100 points. No feats, resources, relics, or special objects.
-‘Middle Tennessee Heroclix Players’-
6/29/2013 – Fear Itself – Week 1
300 Point Booster Draft
* Registration starts @ 11 a.m., $25 ENTRY ($25 Mulligans)
*Players will be randomly assigned to either The Worthy or The Mighty faction. These factions will give you access to a faction-exclusive ATA, plus wins will count toward your faction’s overall standings. The top three players in the winning faction in FI Week 6 will win the Nul LE figure.
*You’ll build a team from two boosters purchased at the store (one FI booster, one from any other set). The FI boosters aren’t normal boosters though: they’re exclusive to this event. You can’t get the figures from these boosters elsewhere and they are likely to be extraordinarily rare and coveted pieces.
*Winners will receive a Loki on Hel Wolf LE figure while all participants will receive a Book of Skull resource dial and the first of many Hammer of the Worthy special objects.
This is an event you WON’T want to miss!